Artistes sans Frontières - event from 2020-1

First exhibition in 2020: New workshop and Doug Petrovic

The workshop

We got our workshop back, more beautiful than before, bigger too, but that is due to the loss of furniture. In reality, thanks to the new wall, the room has shrunk by a couple of inches.

The new beginning made it possible to redefine the space, with Doug's large table as a work table, a long board in front of the window, as a desk or counter for association meetings or exhibitions.

And the walls ... even more walls than before with space for very large paintings, like this Doug canvas, 250 x 75 cm.

Opening of the workshop

Our office is again accessible to the public, by appointment only.
Appointment booking: every day between 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.
Reception: Afternoon or evening, Monday to Friday.Doug Petrovic, oils paintings, gouaches and table
Doug Petrovic, table and gouaches
Doug Petrovic, oil on canvas, framing the developer's work station
oil on canvas, framing the developer's work station

The show

Until the 14 Arts / Open Doors 2020, the exhibition of Doug's works will be visible by appointment and during public events.

Upcoming events

Spring Celebration

Come back to this site to know the date of the housewarming party!
It will be in the spring, when the weather is nice enough to have a party, which can spill over from the workshop into the garden.
Send us an email if you wish to receive an invitation. E-mail:

Open House - 14 Arts

The date has not yet been released by the town hall, but the event will likely take place in late June or July. We are still accepting applications for a group exhibition in our premises.

Artistes sans Frontières - France - 06 32 95 40 90